A month of writing – what I like

For a bit of context, I am participating in an online writing course which requires pretty much daily writing for the month of November. It's a useful (if maybe self-indulgent) bit of discipline for me, so I am putting my qualms aside and trying to go with it. Today's theme is lists, and the benefits of making them. We have a few topics to choose from. I don't know if I am profound enough to do a list of what I've learned, and listing out all the things I wish for could be depressing so I…
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Why I write

As a returned traveller, right now I write to help myself remember. To remember the places I have been and the experiences I have had. To secure them in my mind and heart so I will never forget.  I have lots of photos, but someone I met along the way told me that the best memories are in your head and in your heart.   I write because I want to consider and reflect on the things I have learnt, fascinating things about other cultures and peoples, their history, and how they live. I write…
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