Back on the canal

Unfortunately I was right about my father requiring admission to hospital. He’s been in almost two weeks now so between that and gale force winds last weekend (boy was I glad I wasn’t training for anything in particular so I could choose not to go out!) there wasn’t much time for running. Until yesterday morning.

It is unseasonably cold here, even for Ireland. The weather is coming down from the Arctic! So while yesterday was lovely and sunny it was cold, only 8 degrees felt like 5. Good for running I suppose but kind of depressing too. I have a bad feeling about our weather prospects for the summer ahead. Nothing I can do about that however.

I didn’t have to go to the hospital so I did a lovely 5 miles down the canal in blazing sunshine. I didn’t bring my water belt which was a mistake, and I found I had forgotten my water bottle when I got back to the car, but I survived. I found it a bit tough towards the end but I was pleased I could still go the distance after nearly two weeks of not running. It was the heat of the sun really, lungs and legs were fine. But I enjoyed it as usual.

We have the day off for a holiday tomorrow so will see how I am fixed in the morning for a few more miles. I am a bit shocked that it’s May actually – marathon training will start the end of next month! If all goes to plan I mean. Who knows what the future has in store for us?

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