Virtual marathon update

It’s been a long time since I updated my poor blog. I suppose it’s the times that are in it; some things are more important. The good news is I have been training all summer for my virtual marathon, and we are up to 18 miles, which I did yesterday. The plan is to do our marathon on Sunday 25 October, which is the original date of the Dublin marathon. The bad new is that levels of the virus are rapidly rising in Dublin again, and we have entered a 3-week period of additional restrictions. We can still get out and run, but as usual the future is full of uncertainty. We will soldier on for now and hope that everyone does what they are supposed to do, and we can keep the virus under control. I hope everyone is keeping well and active!

8 thoughts on “Virtual marathon update

  1. yay! an update from cranky! How will you have your aid stations? You have a course plotted out? I dropped all my fall virtual marathons.

    • I have a route in mind but need to firm it up. We will have to bring all our own supplies – we will go a circular route so can stash stuff there. I’m just hoping that there’s no further restrictions in place by then.

  2. Welcome back. I’m really pleased it’s still going so well.

    • Thanks! The running is great, it’s everything else that’s gone pear shaped.

  3. matt says:

    Hey, I was thinking about you the other day as I was out riding my bike (something I’ve thought I needed to post about so you all don’t know for sure I’m a worthless slacker)… Glad to see your updates are going well, at least on the running front.

    With roughly a month to go, the real race is against the idiot, power-grabbing dictators…

    • Thanks Matt, hope you are keeping well!

  4. Lovely to have an update from you Julie – welcome back! Good luck with the marathon.

    • Thank you! Hopefully it will all work out, you never know with this year!

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