Waiting for the switch to flip

Did my long run, 6 miles, yesterday morning, as per my plan. The weather was colder than last week, 5 degrees, felt like 3, but no wind and a bit of sunshine so it was actually quite pleasant. I adjusted my clothing so as to avoid overheating, but in truth I could have run in short sleeves after I warmed up, even at 5 degrees. I felt ok during it, had brought some water with electrolytes, and that kept me going, though I was warm and had to stop a few times to blow my nose, which mysteriously starts running when I do. Must be sinus-related?

I definitely think my excess weight must be making it harder, and causes me to heat up more than usual when I run, but I just can’t figure out how to lose the weight. In truth I am not really trying that hard, good eating habits one day and bad the next. My metabolism is all over the place.

I am waiting for the weight-loss switch to flip in my head: a change of mindset that suddenly makes weight loss possible, though not necessarily easy. I never know what causes the flip of the switch – please let it happen soon.

3 thoughts on “Waiting for the switch to flip

  1. We all have our own demon to battle 🙂

  2. matt says:

    Tell me about it. I want to drop around 40-45lbs before my September half-marathon so I’m not dragging that extra bit of me around; but it’s been so much harder this time around than in the past. Good luck with yours!

    • Thanks! I think the more often you do it and put it back on the harder it gets. It’s a curse.

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