
I didn’t run Tuesday as I was sick and stayed home. I worked from home yesterday for the morning, taking the afternoon off for study leave. I finished work about 12.30 then went out for my hilly run. It was a beautiful day, 20 degrees and mixed sun, but with a nice breeze to make it comfortable. I went on my regular route which sometimes I can’t face but yesterday I didn’t mind. In fact I felt pretty good when I was running; I felt strong, despite the heat. There were a few hills on…
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Nothing to recover from

Recovery run tonight. In truth my legs felt fine after my long run, no stiffness at all. I did my stretches straight away on Saturday and did a bit of foam rolling yesterday. However I did feel generally tired so just did 2 miles. I came home starving but did some strength exercises and stretched. Then did an hour on financial instruments. Now to put the bin out. Such is my life at the moment.
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9 miles

9 miles on the plan for yesterday and it was the first group run with my training buddies. It was about 14 degrees and overcast and misty so ok conditions for running. We met at 9 am in the Phoenix Park: a mixed group of first time marathoners, improvers like me and people doing half marathons. Only 1 man among about 20 women - what’s new? One benefit of having done all this before was that I wasn’t nervous at all. I was always apprehensive last year starting out on the long runs because I…
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A win

40 minute run on the agenda yesterday, preferably with hills. After my run down to my parents the other day I thought I would incorporate a visit to them with my training session. However, by the time I got home from work I was thinking of all sorts of excuses why I wouldn’t bother, and would stay local etc etc. But I realised I was being pathetic and copped myself on and said to myself - ‘go down and see your father’. There was a profanity I won’t repeat. None of us ever know if…
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