Mission accomplished

I didn’t necessarily feel like going out tonight but I realised that I needed to. I had a frustrating day at work and I needed to sort out my head. Even though I was late home I changed my clothes and left the house. As soon as I got out of the door I knew I made the right decision as there was a beautiful big moon rising in the sky. So it kept me company for a while while I plodded around for 2 miles. That was enough for tonight and I felt better by the time I got home. Mission accomplished.

3 thoughts on “Mission accomplished

  1. Antin says:

    So dedicated 🙂

  2. Good job. I wasn’t motivated yesterday, but I went to the track and ran 15 x 100 meters. My backside is sore this morning.

    • Hope you have recovered! I have never actually run on a track.

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