Not tired

Last week was very poor on the running front and next week will be no better. And the week after. Due to our quarterly reporting requirements at work, I have to work both days of next weekend. I absolutely hate working both days and they don’t trust us enough to work from home. Plus there will be a lot of fuss and busyness either side of the weekend. So I won’t be able to get my long run in next weekend.

Despite the lack of running this week, my 10 miles yesterday went surprisingly well. It was warmer too, 12/13 degrees, but I coped with it fairly well as it wasn’t sunny. I have lost a few pounds in the last month (not by accident, it’s been bloody hard!) but I think it helps with the effort involved. I did a nice route – I was heading for the Phoenix Park but realised I could access the Royal Canal on the way so decided to do that.

It’s a lovely route for the most part, gets less nice as you approach Dublin City, but I didn’t go that far. On the way I passed swans, ducks and herons I think, along with the falling water at the locks, and some lovely trees and daffodils. A few annoying humans but not too many. It was rather quiet for a Saturday morning but that was fine with me. I pass it on the train everyday and everyday wish I was running it, so it was great to be doing it. Won’t be the last time.

I struggled a bit at mile 9 but I think there’s a psychological element to that. The last mile was fine really, even though I had to run up and down a few housing estates to get to 10 miles. I thought I might go a bit further but when it came to it I didn’t, I was ready to stop.

So it’s 4 weeks to my half, and I will have to skip the 11 miles next weekend, though I will try and do some running. I will do 12 miles the following week and down to 6 the week before as a taper. I should be fine, I am not worried about the distance on the day. My biggest concern is the weather and the Brexit but there’s nothing I can do about either of those.

I am beyond excited about going to London – you would think I was never there before. But it’s London innit! And my friend is going to come to see me after the race, so what’s not to be excited about? “If a man is tired of London he is tired of life” said Samuel Johnson. I’m not a man and I’m not tired of either.

2 thoughts on “Not tired

  1. Antin says:

    Awesome! I hope you get your runs in. Don’t be too cranky next couple weeks

    • I will try!

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