A good start

Tuesday nights are focused on speed and pace. It’s to help our stamina and speed and prevent us getting bored. It probably does all those things, and gives me the biggest red face. But I enjoyed it.

There are numerous options for a speed run but I chose the simplest to get started: run out at normal pace for 20 minutes and then turn round and run home faster. And that’s what I did. No record-breaking time but it was challenging enough for tonight, and included a hill, so ticked a few boxes. My back feels like I jarred it a bit, so hopefully that will pass. I always remind myself that all this will make me a better runner come the autumn.

3 thoughts on “A good start

  1. matt says:

    I checked out your image before I read your post… The envy of your pace didn’t go away. 🙂

    • Thanks! It’s all relative. I just hope I haven’t hurt my back, feeling some nervy pain in my leg. Going to bed with a hot water bottle…

      • matt says:

        I understand that concern. Good luck and g’night.

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