New plan

I decided to use my lack of commute time more productively than lying on in bed, and got out for a short run before work. It also had the added benefit of avoiding all the pedestrians giving runners the evil eye these days. Runners are taking a lot of flak and I find it very annoying but doubtless some of it is warranted.

I had a very pleasant run on a beautiful spring morning, and I only met a handful of people, so that’s the new plan: only run in the morning before everyone starts walking around and giving out about runners.

PS happy birthday William Wordsworth

18 thoughts on “New plan

  1. matt says:

    You’re likely up earlier than the constabulary has finished their doughnuts, too; so that’s a good plan. We just went out for a family bimble around the park — it’s a nice day!

    • Ah, bimble. Lovely word. Haven’t heard it for a while. No better time to bimble, I guess!

      • Yes bimble is a lovely word! I never actually heard it before. What’s the word for what they do in Italy, parading around in the evening to see and be seen??

        • Not sure. I’ll ask my bro. He lives there.

          • Passiagata I think – something like that!

          • Although I think the authentic Italian is Passeggiata

          • That’s the one! Bimble just as nice to say

  2. Haven’t you heard the news? Leo just passed a law last night that it’s legal to shoot joggers between the hours of 7am and 10pm. If you don’t own a gun, you can just run them over, apparently. So be careful out there. There are some strange ones, to be sure. Folks who I reckon never set foot in a park in their lives are all over the place now. More power to them, honestly; I just wish they would calm down a wee bit. Plenty of room for us all.

    • I know, drives me nuts! Don’t pay attention, can’t walk in single file and it’s everyone else’s fault if they get a fright. I suppose everyone’s nerves are a bit frayed at this stage.

      • They are, but a little common sense wouldn’t hurt, including not wearing headphones or using extendable dog leads (and sometimes both together!)

        • I actually had a run in with someone before all this in exactly those circumstances. She was oblivious, big headphones on, stood in the middle of the footpath on her phone with two dogs and I was the asshole for passing her and frightening her dogs!! First and only time I ever got in a barney with someone. Try my best to avoid people now, virus or no virus!! A lot of pedestrians think footpaths are just for them to fill up

          • I nearly took some poor dog’s head off one evening. Couldn’t see the long lead and the owner didn’t hear me; headphones are a curse.

          • That’s what annoys me about all this giving out about runners- we are the ones who actually pay attention when we are out, in general

          • Ah well, in fairness, we’re not all saints either. But yes, at least we are usually paying attention

          • matt says:

            Here, it’s the cyclists. When I’m out running, I can’t help but count the number of cyclists who announce themselves. When I’m riding my bike, I’m zealous about saying “on your left” or some such when I’m passing people on the trail. It really irritates me they usually don’t do something so damn simple.

          • A lot of people just walk around thinking they are in their own home or something with no idea how to share public space

          • I stay away from those flashpoints for those reasons. If I’m running, I stick to paths and trails with few or no bikes. When I’m on the bike: roads. Nobody wants to be ‘that guy’. Stay safe out there.

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